Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Book Blogger Holiday Swap is Back!!!!

Ladies and gentlemen, I am so excited- the Book Blogger Holiday Swap is back!!! Sign-up hasn't quite started yet (midnight on November 15th, 2012) but as soon as it is open, I'm in! I enjoy getting to know new bloggers through this yearly program, and yes, I do love the surprise package in the mail! This will be my third year participating. Sign-ups close on November 23rd to allow us sufficient time to shop and ship, so sign up early to avoid disappointment!


  1. My my...I've already signed up for two other swaps! I've been waiting for this one for quite a while now and finally it's back. Yay! :)

    1. I'm so excited! I usually do this one only, so I've been waiting impatiently, LOL.

  2. Did you get signed up? I went today, but I can't find a sign up form. hmm, what am I doing wrong?

    1. I have checked too and the link doesn't seem to be live yet. Hopefully very soon!!!

    2. It's up, but, it's different. I don't think I'll join in this year. Too complicated!

    3. I agree!!! Just went there and am thinking what the heck???
