So you can see why I would be inclined to toss this one aside. It has two strikes against it for me- it's both YA and dystopian fiction. But then I started to really consider the book. Sure, it's out of my comfort zone, but sometimes the best reads, the ones that stick with me for along time after I've finished the last page, are the ones that don't fall within my usual guidelines. I remember picking up the first Harry Potter book for a class that I was taking in University. I was skeptical. However, once I had devoured the book I quickly found myself tracking down the next three in the series. And yes, I was one of those chicks that pre-ordered the subsequent releases and then promptly devoured them. I was a Harry Potter convert, and only because I had to read the first book. If I hadn't picked it up, then I would have missed out on the magic of the series.
Perhaps by being close-minded at times when it comes to my reading I've been missing out. I haven't read The Hunger Games series, or The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo trilogy. I've heard great things about both, but haven't been enticed to pick them up yet. In a way I feel that I should stick to what I love to read, so that reading remains a pleasure for me, but in another way I feel that I should occasionally step outside of my reading comfort zone to experience something new. For this reason, I'm going to give Wither a try. Who knows? It could become my new favourite series.
I don't read muchdystopian fiction/ Hope you like it!